Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Probably one of the most exciting things that has happened with our property so far (in the short time we've lived here) is that a pair of phoebes decided to raise their young under the awning on our shed. It was a nest that was here when we arrived in the winter, and the phoebes busily added to it early this spring. I kept peeking at the nest because I saw the phoebes flying in and out of it, and was delighted one morning when I found four fuzzy little nestlings snuggled inside.

Every morning when I watered the garden, I peeked in to see how they were growing.

It was truly amazing to see how quickly they grow!

Throughout the day, we watched as both mother and father diligently hunted for insects around the yard. They have a couple of favorite perches they hunt from including on top of our pea-teepee, on the tomato cages and a couple specific branches near the shed. It is amazing to see how graceful these birds are at diving at insect, hovering in mid-air as steadily as a hummingbird, then zipping off again to resume it's vantage point from a perch. I also enjoyed seeing both of the parents actively flying in an out of the nest all day long, helping their little ones grow strong.

One morning I remember feeling especially excited when I peeked in the nest and saw that the nestling's eyes were open and looking right back at me!

I tried to give them a little more space from that point on, but still checked in periodically to see if they had fledged yet.

This was the last day we saw our little nestlings. My son was having a particularly rough morning because he was sick. To cheer him up we went over to the shed to peek at the birds, and we were both shocked when all the little birds flew out of the nest and headed each in their own direction! I was hoping to witness their big day out into the world, but I certainly didn't want to be the cause of it! They all flew so strong and confidently though, that I wouldn't be surprised if they had been on several practice flights before. They have not returned to the nest, and I have been watchful in the trees but have yet to catch a glimpse of a tiny phoebe. But when I do, I will be sure to let you know.

Safe journeys little phoebes, we hope you come back one day to have nestling of your own at our home!

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